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Grab some The Popcorn, making sure each and every kernel is popped to completion. Sit back, relax. After replacing the AA batteries in your television's remote, press the power button. Surprise! Your television was turned off at the wall. Even worse, the plug was not inserted into the socket. After the act of insertion, return to your couch, and turn the television on. Nothing's happening. Sigh, then shamefully step towards the wall, pressing the switch on the outlet beside the plug. For a (hopefully) final time, return to your couch. Switch the television on using the remote. The light activates, but you are met with a black screen. Not to worry, a simple, yet frustrating misunderstanding. Walk over to the shelf your television sits on, plugging the HDMI cable from your Borb Box's HDMI out port into your TV's HDMI in port. Insert the disc of your favourite game into your Borb Box and for yet another final time, return to the couch. Let out a sigh of relief as your Borb Box powers on, and eat your popcorn.